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Promises API


promise_create(account_id_len: u64,
account_id_ptr: u64,
method_name_len: u64,
method_name_ptr: u64,
arguments_len: u64,
arguments_ptr: u64,
amount_ptr: u64,
gas: u64) -> u64

Creates a promise that will execute a method on account with given arguments and attaches the given amount. amount_ptr point to slices of bytes representing u128.

  • If account_id_len + account_id_ptr or method_name_len + method_name_ptr or arguments_len + arguments_ptr or amount_ptr + 16 points outside the memory of the guest or host, with MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called in a view function panics with ProhibitedInView.
  • Index of the new promise that uniquely identifies it within the current execution of the method.

promise_then(promise_idx: u64,
account_id_len: u64,
account_id_ptr: u64,
method_name_len: u64,
method_name_ptr: u64,
arguments_len: u64,
arguments_ptr: u64,
amount_ptr: u64,
gas: u64) -> u64

Attaches the callback that is executed after promise pointed by promise_idx is complete.

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise panics with InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If account_id_len + account_id_ptr or method_name_len + method_name_ptr or arguments_len + arguments_ptr or amount_ptr + 16 points outside the memory of the guest or host, with MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called in a view function panics with ProhibitedInView.
  • Index of the new promise that uniquely identifies it within the current execution of the method.


promise_and(promise_idx_ptr: u64, promise_idx_count: u64) -> u64

Creates a new promise which completes when time all promises passed as arguments complete. Cannot be used with registers. promise_idx_ptr points to an array of u64 elements, with promise_idx_count denoting the number of elements. The array contains indices of promises that need to be waited on jointly.

  • If promise_ids_ptr + 8 * promise_idx_count extend outside the guest memory with MemoryAccessViolation;
  • If any of the promises in the array do not correspond to existing promises panics with InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If called in a view function panics with ProhibitedInView.
  • Index of the new promise that uniquely identifies it within the current execution of the method.


promise_results_count() -> u64

If the current function is invoked by a callback we can access the execution results of the promises that caused the callback. This function returns the number of complete and incomplete callbacks.

Note, we are only going to have incomplete callbacks once we have promise_or combinator.

Normal execution
  • If there is only one callback promise_results_count() returns 1;
  • If there are multiple callbacks (e.g. created through promise_and) promise_results_count() returns their number.
  • If the function was called not through the callback promise_results_count() returns 0.
  • If called in a view function panics with ProhibitedInView.


promise_result(result_idx: u64, register_id: u64) -> u64

If the current function is invoked by a callback we can access the execution results of the promises that caused the callback. This function returns the result in blob format and places it into the register.

Normal execution
  • If promise result is complete and successful copies its blob into the register;
  • If promise result is complete and failed or incomplete keeps register unused;
  • If promise result is not complete returns 0;
  • If promise result is complete and successful returns 1;
  • If promise result is complete and failed returns 2.
  • If result_idx does not correspond to an existing result panics with InvalidResultIndex.
  • If copying the blob exhausts the memory limit it panics with MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called in a view function panics with ProhibitedInView.
Current bugs
  • We currently have two separate functions to check for result completion and copy it.


promise_return(promise_idx: u64)

When promise promise_idx finishes executing its result is considered to be the result of the current function.

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise panics with InvalidPromiseIndex.
Current bugs
  • The current name return_promise is inconsistent with the naming convention of Promise API.


promise_batch_create(account_id_len: u64, account_id_ptr: u64) -> u64

Creates a new promise towards given account_id without any actions attached to it.

  • If account_id_len + account_id_ptr points outside the memory of the guest or host, with MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called in a view function panics with ProhibitedInView.
  • Index of the new promise that uniquely identifies it within the current execution of the method.


promise_batch_then(promise_idx: u64, account_id_len: u64, account_id_ptr: u64) -> u64

Attaches a new empty promise that is executed after promise pointed by promise_idx is complete.

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise panics with InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If account_id_len + account_id_ptr points outside the memory of the guest or host, with MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called in a view function panics with ProhibitedInView.
  • Index of the new promise that uniquely identifies it within the current execution of the method.


promise_batch_action_create_account(promise_idx: u64)

Appends CreateAccount action to the batch of actions for the given promise pointed by promise_idx. Details for the action:

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise panics with InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If the promise pointed by the promise_idx is an ephemeral promise created by promise_and.
  • If called in a view function panics with ProhibitedInView.


promise_batch_action_deploy_contract(promise_idx: u64, code_len: u64, code_ptr: u64)

Appends DeployContract action to the batch of actions for the given promise pointed by promise_idx. Details for the action:

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise panics with InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If the promise pointed by the promise_idx is an ephemeral promise created by promise_and.
  • If code_len + code_ptr points outside the memory of the guest or host, with MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called in a view function panics with ProhibitedInView.


promise_batch_action_function_call(promise_idx: u64,
method_name_len: u64,
method_name_ptr: u64,
arguments_len: u64,
arguments_ptr: u64,
amount_ptr: u64,
gas: u64)

Appends FunctionCall action to the batch of actions for the given promise pointed by promise_idx. Details for the action:

NOTE: Calling promise_batch_create and then promise_batch_action_function_call will produce the same promise as calling promise_create directly.

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise panics with InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If the promise pointed by the promise_idx is an ephemeral promise created by promise_and.
  • If account_id_len + account_id_ptr or method_name_len + method_name_ptr or arguments_len + arguments_ptr or amount_ptr + 16 points outside the memory of the guest or host, with MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called in a view function panics with ProhibitedInView.


promise_batch_action_transfer(promise_idx: u64, amount_ptr: u64)

Appends Transfer action to the batch of actions for the given promise pointed by promise_idx. Details for the action:

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise panics with InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If the promise pointed by the promise_idx is an ephemeral promise created by promise_and.
  • If amount_ptr + 16 points outside the memory of the guest or host, with MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called in a view function panics with ProhibitedInView.


promise_batch_action_stake(promise_idx: u64,
amount_ptr: u64,
bls_public_key_len: u64,
bls_public_key_ptr: u64)

Appends Stake action to the batch of actions for the given promise pointed by promise_idx. Details for the action:

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise panics with InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If the promise pointed by the promise_idx is an ephemeral promise created by promise_and.
  • If the given BLS public key is not a valid BLS public key (e.g. wrong length) InvalidPublicKey.
  • If amount_ptr + 16 or bls_public_key_len + bls_public_key_ptr points outside the memory of the guest or host, with MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called in a view function panics with ProhibitedInView.


promise_batch_action_add_key_with_full_access(promise_idx: u64,
public_key_len: u64,
public_key_ptr: u64,
nonce: u64)

Appends AddKey action to the batch of actions for the given promise pointed by promise_idx. Details for the action: The access key will have FullAccess permission, details: [/Proposals/](click here)

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise panics with InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If the promise pointed by the promise_idx is an ephemeral promise created by promise_and.
  • If the given public key is not a valid public key (e.g. wrong length) InvalidPublicKey.
  • If public_key_len + public_key_ptr points outside the memory of the guest or host, with MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called in a view function panics with ProhibitedInView.


promise_batch_action_add_key_with_function_call(promise_idx: u64,
public_key_len: u64,
public_key_ptr: u64,
nonce: u64,
allowance_ptr: u64,
receiver_id_len: u64,
receiver_id_ptr: u64,
method_names_len: u64,
method_names_ptr: u64)

Appends AddKey action to the batch of actions for the given promise pointed by promise_idx. Details for the action: The access key will have FunctionCall permission, details: [/Proposals/](click here)

  • If the allowance value (not the pointer) is 0, the allowance is set to None (which means unlimited allowance). And positive value represents a Some(...) allowance.
  • Given method_names is a utf-8 string with , used as a separator. The vm will split the given string into a vector of strings.
  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise panics with InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If the promise pointed by the promise_idx is an ephemeral promise created by promise_and.
  • If the given public key is not a valid public key (e.g. wrong length) InvalidPublicKey.
  • if method_names is not a valid utf-8 string, fails with BadUTF8.
  • If public_key_len + public_key_ptr, allowance_ptr + 16, receiver_id_len + receiver_id_ptr or method_names_len + method_names_ptr points outside the memory of the guest or host, with MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called in a view function panics with ProhibitedInView.


promise_batch_action_delete_key(promise_idx: u64,
public_key_len: u64,
public_key_ptr: u64)

Appends DeleteKey action to the batch of actions for the given promise pointed by promise_idx. Details for the action:

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise panics with InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If the promise pointed by the promise_idx is an ephemeral promise created by promise_and.
  • If the given public key is not a valid public key (e.g. wrong length) InvalidPublicKey.
  • If public_key_len + public_key_ptr points outside the memory of the guest or host, with MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called in a view function panics with ProhibitedInView.


promise_batch_action_delete_account(promise_idx: u64,
beneficiary_id_len: u64,
beneficiary_id_ptr: u64)

Appends DeleteAccount action to the batch of actions for the given promise pointed by promise_idx. Action is used to delete an account. It can be performed on a newly created account, on your own account or an account with insufficient funds to pay rent. Takes beneficiary_id to indicate where to send the remaining funds.

  • If promise_idx does not correspond to an existing promise panics with InvalidPromiseIndex.
  • If the promise pointed by the promise_idx is an ephemeral promise created by promise_and.
  • If beneficiary_id_len + beneficiary_id_ptr points outside the memory of the guest or host, with MemoryAccessViolation.
  • If called in a view function panics with ProhibitedInView.