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Contract preparation

This document describes the contract preparation and instrumentation process as well as the limitations this process imposes on the contract authors.

In order to provide high performance execution of the function calls, the near validator utilizes ahead-of-time preparation of the contract WASM code. Today the contract code is prepared during the execution of the DeployContractAction. The results are then saved and later reported to the user when a [FunctionCall] is invoked.

Note that only some parts of this document are normative. This document delves into implementation details, which may change in the future as long as the behavior documented by the normative portions of this book is maintained. The non-normative portions of this document will be called out as such.

High level overview

This section is not normative.

Upon initiation of a contract deployment, broadly the following operations will be executed: validation, instrumentation, conversion to machine code (compilation) and storage of the compiled artifacts in the account’s storage.

Functions exported from the contract module may then be invoked through the mechanisms provided by the protocol. Two common ways to call a function is by submitting a function call action onto the chain or via a cross-contract call.

Most of the errors that have occurred as part of validation, instrumentation, compilation, etc. are saved and reported when a FunctionCallAction is submitted. Deployment itself may only report errors relevant to itself, as described in the specification for DeployContractAction.


A number of limits are imposed on the WebAssembly module that is being parsed:

  • The length of the wasm code must not exceed max_contract_size genesis configuration parameter;
  • The wasm module must be a valid module according to the WebAssembly core 1.0 specification (this means no extensions such as multi value returns or SIMD; this limitation may be relaxed in the future).
  • The wasm module may contain no more than:
    • 1_000_000 distinct signatures;
    • 1_000_000 function imports and local function definitions;
    • 100_000 imports;
    • 100_000 exports;
    • 1_000_000 global imports and module-local global definitions;
    • 100_000 data segments;
    • 1 table;
    • 1 memory;
  • UTF-8 strings comprising the wasm module definition (e.g. export name) may not exceed 100_000 bytes each;
  • Function definitions may not specify more than 50_000 locals;
  • Signatures may not specify more than 1_000 parameters;
  • Signatures may not specify more than 1_000 results;
  • Tables may not specify more than 10_000_000 entries;

If the contract code is invalid, the first violation in the binary encoding of the WebAssembly module shall be reported. These additional requirements are imposed after the module is parsed:

  • The wasm module may contain no more function imports and local definitions than specified in the max_functions_number_per_contract genesis configuration parameter; and

These additional requirements are imposed after the instrumentation, as documented in the later sections:

  • All imports may only import from the env module.

Memory normalization

All near contracts have the same amount of memory made available for execution. The exact amount is specified specified by the initial_memory_pages and max_memory_pages genesis configuration parameters. In order to ensure a level playing field, any module-local memory definitions are transparently replaced with an import of a standard memory instance from env.memory.

If the original memory instance definition specified limits different from those specified by the genesis configuration parameters, the limits are reset to the configured parameters.

Gas instrumentation

In order to implement precise and efficient gas accounting, the contract code is analyzed and instrumented with additional operations before the compilation occurs. One such instrumentation implements accounting of the gas fees.

Gas fees are accounted for at a granularity of sequences of instructions forming a metered block and are consumed before execution of any instruction part of such a sequence. The accounting mechanism verifies the remaining gas is sufficient, and subtracts the gas fee from the remaining gas budget before continuing execution. In the case where the remaining gas balance is insufficient to continue execution, the GasExceeded error is raised and execution of the contract is terminated.

The gas instrumentation analysis will segment a wasm function into metered blocks. In the end, every instruction will belong to exactly one metered block. The algorithm uses a stack of metered blocks and instructions are assigned to the metered block on top of the stack. The following terminology will be used throughout this section to refer to metered block operations:

  • active metered block – the metered block at the top of the stack;
  • pop – the active metered block is removed from the top of the stack;
  • push – a new metered block is added to the stack, becoming the new active metered block.

A metered block is pushed onto the stack upon a function entry and after every if and loop instruction. After the br, br_if, br_table, else & return (pseudo-)instructions the active metered block is popped and a new metered block is pushed onto the stack.

The end pseudo-instruction associated with the if & loop instructions, or when it terminates the function body, will cause the top-most metered block to be popped off the stack. As a consequence, the instructions within a metered block need not be consecutive in the original function. If the if..end, loop..end or block..end control block terminated by this end pseudo-instruction contained any branching instructions targeting control blocks other than the control block terminated by this end pseudo instruction, the currently active metered block is popped and a new metered block is pushed.

Note that some of the instructions considered to affect the control flow in the WebAssembly specification such as call, call_indirect or unreachable do not affect metered block construction and are accounted for much like other instructions not mentioned in this section. This also means that calling the used_gas host function at different points of the same metered block would return the same value if the base cost was 0.

All the instructions covered by a metered block are assigned a fee based on the regular_op_cost genesis parameter. Pseudo-instructions do not cause any fee to be charged. A sum of these fees is then charged by instrumentation inserted at the beginning of each metered block.


This section is not normative.

In this section some examples of the instrumentation are presented as an understanding aid to the specification above. The examples are annotated with comments describing how much gas is charged at a specific point of the program. The programs presented here are not intended to be executable or to produce meaningful behavior.

block instruction does not terminate a metered block

(; charge_gas(6 regular_op_cost) ;)

This function has just 1 metered block, covering both the block..end block as well as the 2 nop instructions outside of it. As a result the gas fee for all 6 instructions will be charged at the beginning of the function (even if we can see unreachable would be executed after 4 instructions, terminating the execution).

Branching instructions pop a metered block

Introducing a conditional branch to the example from the previous section would split the metered block and the gas accounting would be introduced in two locations:

(; charge_gas([nop block br.0 nop]) ;)
br 0
(; charge_gas([nop nop]) ;)

Note that the first metered block is disjoint and covers the [nop, block, br 0] instruction sequence as well as the final nop. The analysis is able to deduce that the br 0 will not be able to jump past the final nop instruction, and therefore is able to account for the gas fees incurred by this instruction earlier.

Replacing br 0 with a return would enable jumping past this final nop instruction, splitting the code into three distinct metered blocks instead:

(; charge_gas([nop block return]) ;)
(; charge_gas([nop nop]) ;)
(; charge_gas([nop]) ;)

if and loop push a new metered block

(; charge_gas([loop unreachable]) ;)
(; charge_gas([br 0]) ;)
br 0

In this example the loop instruction will always introduce a new nested metered block for its body, for the end pseudo-instruction as well as br 0 cause a backward jump back to the beginning of the loop body. A similar reasoning works for if .. else .. end sequence since the body is only executed conditionally:

(; charge_gas([i32.const.42 if nop]) ;)
i32.const 42
(; charge_gas([nop nop]) ;)
(; charge_gas([unreachable]) ;)

Operand stack depth instrumentation

The max_stack_height genesis parameter imposes a limit on the number of entries the wasm operand stack may contain during the contract execution.

The maximum operand stack height required for a function to execute successfully is computed statically by simulating the operand stack operations executed by each instruction. For example, i32.const 1 pushes 1 entry on the operand stack, whereas i32.add pops two entries and pushes 1 entry containing the result value. The maximum operand stack height of the if..else..end control block is the larger of the heights for two bodies of the conditional. Stack operations for each instruction are otherwise specified in the section 4 of the WebAssembly core 1.0 specification.

Before the call or call_indirect instructions are executed, the callee's required stack is added to the current stack height counter and is compared with the max_stack_height parameter. A trap is raised if the counter exceeds the limit. The instruction is executed, otherwise.

Note that the stack depth instrumentation runs after the gas instrumentation. At each point where gas is charged one entry worth of operand stack space is considered to be used.


This section is not normative.

Picking the example from the gas instrumentation section, we can tell that this function will use just 1 operand slot. Lets annotate the operand stack operations at each of the instructions:

(; charge_gas(...) ;) (; [] => [gas] => [] ;)
i32.const 42 (; [] => [i32] ;)
if (; [i32] => [] ;)
(; charge_gas(...) ;) (; [] => [gas] => [] ;)
nop (; [] ;)
nop (; [] ;)
(; charge_gas(...) ;) (; [] => [gas] => [] ;)
unreachable (; [] ;)
nop (; [] ;)

We can see that at no point in time the operand stack contained more than 1 entry. As a result, the runtime will check that 1 entry is available in the operand stack before the function is invoked.