🗃️ Runtime fees
1 item
📄️ Account Receipt Storage
There is a definition of all the keys and values we store in the Account Storage
📄️ Actions
There are a several action types in Near:
📄️ Applying chunk
Inputs and outputs
🗃️ Components
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📄️ Function Call
In this section we provide an explanation how the FunctionCall action execution works, what are
📄️ Contract preparation
This document describes the contract preparation and instrumentation process as well as the
📄️ Receipt
All cross-contract (we assume that each account lives in its own shard) communication in Near happens through Receipts.
📄️ Refunds
When execution of a receipt fails or there is some unused amount of prepaid gas left after a function call, the Runtime generates refund receipts.
📄️ Runtime
Runtime layer is used to execute smart contracts and other actions created by the users and preserve the state between the executions.
🗃️ Scenarios
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📄️ Transactions
A transaction in Near is a list of actions and additional information: