All cross-contract (we assume that each account lives in its own shard) communication in Near happens through Receipts.
Receipts are stateful in a sense that they serve not only as messages between accounts but also can be stored in the account storage to await DataReceipts.
Each receipt has a predecessor_id
(who sent it) and receiver_id
the current account.
Receipts are one of 2 types: action receipts or data receipts.
Data Receipts are receipts that contains some data for some ActionReceipt
with the same receiver_id
Data Receipts have 2 fields: the unique data identifier data_id
and data
the received result.
is an Option
field and it indicates whether the result was a success or a failure. If it's Some
, it means
the remote execution was successful and it represents the result as a vector of bytes.
Each ActionReceipt
also contains fields related to data:
- a vector of input data with thedata_id
s required for the execution of this receipt.output_data_receivers
- a vector of output data receivers. It indicates where to send outgoing data. EachDataReceiver
consists ofdata_id
for routing.
Before any action receipt is executed, all input data dependencies need to be satisfied. Which means all corresponding data receipts have to be received. If any of the data dependencies are missing, the action receipt is postponed until all missing data dependencies arrive.
Because chain and runtime guarantees that no receipts are missing, we can rely that every action receipt will be executed eventually (Receipt Matching explanation).
Each Receipt
has the following fields:
The account_id which issued a receipt.
In case of a gas or deposit refund, the account ID is system
The destination account_id.
An unique id for the receipt.
: ActionReceipt | DataReceipt
There are 2 types of Receipt: ActionReceipt and DataReceipt. An ActionReceipt
is a request to apply Actions, while a DataReceipt
is a result of the application of these actions.
represents a request to apply actions on the receiver_id
side. It could be derived as a result of a Transaction
execution or another ActionReceipt
processing. ActionReceipt
consists the following fields:
An account_id which signed the original transaction.
In case of a deposit refund, the account ID is system
The public key of an AccessKey which was used to sign the original transaction. In case of a deposit refund, the public key is empty (all bytes are 0).
Gas price which was set in a block where the original transaction has been applied.
:[DataReceiver{ data_id: CryptoHash, receiver_id: AccountId }]
If smart contract finishes its execution with some value (not Promise), runtime creates a [DataReceipt
]s for each of the output_data_receivers
are the receipt data dependencies. input_data_ids
correspond to DataReceipt.data_id
represents a final result of some contract execution.
A unique DataReceipt
Associated data in bytes. None
indicates an error during execution.
Creating Receipt
Receipts can be generated during the execution of a SignedTransaction (see example) or during application of some ActionReceipt
which contains a FunctionCall
action. The result of the FunctionCall
could be either another ActionReceipt
or a DataReceipt
(returned data).
Receipt Matching
Runtime doesn't require that Receipts come in a particular order. Each Receipt is processed individually. The goal of the Receipt Matching
process is to match all ActionReceipt
s to the corresponding DataReceipt
Processing ActionReceipt
For each incoming ActionReceipt
runtime checks whether we have all the DataReceipt
s (defined as ActionsReceipt.input_data_ids
) required for execution. If all the required DataReceipt
s are already in the storage, runtime can apply this ActionReceipt
immediately. Otherwise we save this receipt as a Postponed ActionReceipt. Also we save Pending DataReceipts Count and a link from pending DataReceipt
to the Postponed ActionReceipt
. Now runtime will wait for all the missing DataReceipt
s to apply the Postponed ActionReceipt
Postponed ActionReceipt
A Receipt which runtime stores until all the designated DataReceipt
s arrive.
Where account_id
is Receipt.receiver_id
, receipt_id
is Receipt.receipt_id
and value is a serialized Receipt
(which type must be ActionReceipt).
Pending DataReceipt Count
A counter which counts pending DataReceipt
s for a Postponed Receipt initially set to the length of missing input_data_ids
of the incoming ActionReceipt
. It's decrementing with every new received DataReceipt
Where account_id
is AccountId, receipt_id
is CryptoHash and value is an integer.
Pending DataReceipt for Postponed ActionReceipt
We index each pending DataReceipt
so when a new DataReceipt
arrives we connect it to the Postponed Receipt it belongs to.
Processing DataReceipt
Received DataReceipt
First of all, runtime saves the incoming DataReceipt
to the storage as:
Where account_id
is Receipt.receiver_id
, data_id
is DataReceipt.data_id
and value is a
(which is typically a serialized result of the call to a particular contract).
Next, runtime checks if there are any Postponed ActionReceipt
waiting for this DataReceipt
by querying Pending DataReceipt
to the Postponed Receipt. If there is no postponed receipt_id
yet, we do nothing else. If there is a postponed receipt_id
, we do the following:
- decrement
Pending Data Count
for the postponedreceipt_id
- remove found
Pending DataReceipt
to thePostponed ActionReceipt
If Pending DataReceipt Count
is now 0 that means all the Receipt.input_data_ids
are in storage and runtime can safely apply the Postponed Receipt and remove it from the store.
Case 1: Call to multiple contracts and await responses
Suppose runtime got the following ActionReceipt
# Non-relevant fields are omitted.
receiver_id: "alice",
receipt_id: "693406"
receipt: ActionReceipt {
input_data_ids: []
If execution return Result::Value
Suppose runtime got the following ActionReceipt
(we use a python-like pseudo code):
# Non-relevant fields are omitted.
receiver_id: "alice",
receipt_id: "5e73d4"
receipt: ActionReceipt {
input_data_ids: ["e5fa44", "7448d8"]
We can't apply this receipt right away: there are missing DataReceipt'a with IDs: ["e5fa44", "7448d8"]. Runtime does the following:
postponed_receipts["alice,5e73d4"] = borsh_serialize(
receiver_id: "alice",
receipt_id: "5e73d4"
receipt: ActionReceipt {
input_data_ids: ["e5fa44", "7448d8"]
pending_data_receipt_store["alice,e5fa44"] = "5e73d4"
pending_data_receipt_store["alice,7448d8"] = "5e73d4"
pending_data_receipt_count = 2
Note: the subsequent Receipts could arrived in the current block or next, that's why we save Postponed ActionReceipt in the storage
Then the first pending Pending DataReceipt
# Non-relevant fields are omitted.
Receipt {
receiver_id: "alice",
receipt: DataReceipt {
data_id: "e5fa44",
data: "some data for alice",
data_receipts["alice,e5fa44"] = borsh_serialize(Receipt{
receiver_id: "alice",
receipt: DataReceipt {
data_id: "e5fa44",
data: "some data for alice",
pending_data_receipt_count["alice,5e73d4"] = 1`
del pending_data_receipt_store["alice,e5fa44"]
And finally the last Pending DataReceipt
# Non-relevant fields are omitted.
receiver_id: "alice",
receipt: DataReceipt {
data_id: "7448d8",
data: "some more data for alice",
data_receipts["alice,7448d8"] = borsh_serialize(Receipt{
receiver_id: "alice",
receipt: DataReceipt {
data_id: "7448d8",
data: "some more data for alice",
postponed_receipt_id = pending_data_receipt_store["alice,5e73d4"]
postponed_receipt = postponed_receipts[postponed_receipt_id]
del postponed_receipts[postponed_receipt_id]
del pending_data_receipt_count["alice,5e73d4"]
del pending_data_receipt_store["alice,7448d8"]
Receipt Validation Error
Some postprocessing validation is done after an action receipt is applied. The validation includes:
Whether the generated receipts are valid. A generated receipt can be invalid, if, for example, a function call generates a receipt to call another function on some other contract, but the contract name is invalid. Here there are mainly two types of errors:
account id is invalid. If the receiver id of the receipt is invalid, a
/// The `receiver_id` of a Receipt is not valid.
InvalidReceiverId { account_id: AccountId },
error is returned.
- some action is invalid. The errors returned here are the same as the validation errors mentioned in actions.
- Whether the account still has enough balance to pay for storage. If, for example, the execution of one function call action leads to some receipts that require transfer to be generated as a result, the account may no longer have enough balance after the transferred amount is deducted. In this case, a
/// ActionReceipt can't be completed, because the remaining balance will not be enough to cover storage.
LackBalanceForState {
/// An account which needs balance
account_id: AccountId,
/// Balance required to complete an action.
amount: Balance,