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There are a several action types in Near:

pub enum Action {

Each transaction consists a list of actions to be performed on the receiver_id side. Since transactions are first converted to receipts when they are processed, we will mostly concern ourselves with actions in the context of receipt processing.

For the following actions, predecessor_id and receiver_id are required to be equal:

  • DeployContract
  • Stake
  • AddKey
  • DeleteKey
  • DeleteAccount

NOTE: if the first action in the action list is CreateAccount, predecessor_id becomes receiver_id for the rest of the actions until DeleteAccount. This gives permission by another account to act on the newly created account.


pub struct CreateAccountAction {}

If receiver_id has length == 64, this account id is considered to be hex(public_key), meaning creation of account only succeeds if followed up with AddKey(public_key) action.


  • creates an account with id = receiver_id
  • sets Account storage_usage to account_cost (genesis config)


Execution Error:

  • If the action tries to create a top level account whose length is no greater than 32 characters, and predecessor_id is not registrar_account_id, which is defined by the protocol, the following error will be returned
/// A top-level account ID can only be created by registrar.
CreateAccountOnlyByRegistrar {
account_id: AccountId,
registrar_account_id: AccountId,
predecessor_id: AccountId,
  • If the action tries to create an account that is neither a top-level account or a subaccount of predecessor_id, the following error will be returned
/// A newly created account must be under a namespace of the creator account
CreateAccountNotAllowed { account_id: AccountId, predecessor_id: AccountId },


pub struct DeployContractAction {
pub code: Vec<u8>


  • sets the contract code for account


Validation Error:

  • if the length of code exceeds max_contract_size, which is a genesis parameter, the following error will be returned:
/// The size of the contract code exceeded the limit in a DeployContract action.
ContractSizeExceeded { size: u64, limit: u64 },

Execution Error:

  • If state or storage is corrupted, it may return StorageError.


pub struct FunctionCallAction {
/// Name of exported Wasm function
pub method_name: String,
/// Serialized arguments
pub args: Vec<u8>,
/// Prepaid gas (gas_limit) for a function call
pub gas: Gas,
/// Amount of tokens to transfer to a receiver_id
pub deposit: Balance,

Calls a method of a particular contract. See details.


pub struct TransferAction {
/// Amount of tokens to transfer to a receiver_id
pub deposit: Balance,


  • transfers amount specified in deposit from predecessor_id to a receiver_id account


Execution Error:

  • If the deposit amount plus the existing amount on the receiver account exceeds u128::MAX, a StorageInconsistentState("Account balance integer overflow") error will be returned.


pub struct StakeAction {
// Amount of tokens to stake
pub stake: Balance,
// This public key is a public key of the validator node
pub public_key: PublicKey,


  • A validator proposal that contains the staking public key and the staking amount is generated and will be included in the next block.


Validation Error:

  • If the public_key is not an ristretto compatible ed25519 key, the following error will be returned:
/// An attempt to stake with a public key that is not convertible to ristretto.
UnsuitableStakingKey { public_key: PublicKey },

Execution Error:

  • If an account has not staked but it tries to unstake, the following error will be returned:
/// Account is not yet staked, but tries to unstake
TriesToUnstake { account_id: AccountId },
  • If an account tries to stake more than the amount of tokens it has, the following error will be returned:
/// The account doesn't have enough balance to increase the stake.
TriesToStake {
account_id: AccountId,
stake: Balance,
locked: Balance,
balance: Balance,
  • If the staked amount is below the minimum stake threshold, the following error will be returned:
InsufficientStake {
account_id: AccountId,
stake: Balance,
minimum_stake: Balance,

The minimum stake is determined by last_epoch_seat_price / minimum_stake_divisor where last_epoch_seat_price is the seat price determined at the end of last epoch and minimum_stake_divisor is a genesis config parameter and its current value is 10.


pub struct AddKeyAction {
pub public_key: PublicKey,
pub access_key: AccessKey,


  • Adds a new AccessKey to the receiver's account and associates it with a public_key provided.


Validation Error:

If the access key is of type FunctionCallPermission, the following errors can happen

  • If receiver_id in access_key is not a valid account id, the following error will be returned
/// Invalid account ID.
InvalidAccountId { account_id: AccountId },
  • If the length of some method name exceed max_length_method_name, which is a genesis parameter (current value is 256), the following error will be returned
/// The length of some method name exceeded the limit in a Add Key action.
AddKeyMethodNameLengthExceeded { length: u64, limit: u64 },
  • If the sum of length of method names (with 1 extra character for every method name) exceeds max_number_bytes_method_names, which is a genesis parameter (current value is 2000), the following error will be returned
/// The total number of bytes of the method names exceeded the limit in a Add Key action.
AddKeyMethodNamesNumberOfBytesExceeded { total_number_of_bytes: u64, limit: u64 }

Execution Error:

  • If an account tries to add an access key with a given public key, but an existing access key with this public key already exists, the following error will be returned
/// The public key is already used for an existing access key
AddKeyAlreadyExists { account_id: AccountId, public_key: PublicKey }
  • If state or storage is corrupted, a StorageError will be returned.


pub struct DeleteKeyAction {
pub public_key: PublicKey,


  • Deletes the AccessKey associated with public_key.


Execution Error:

  • When an account tries to delete an access key that doesn't exist, the following error is returned
/// Account tries to remove an access key that doesn't exist
DeleteKeyDoesNotExist { account_id: AccountId, public_key: PublicKey }
  • StorageError is returned if state or storage is corrupted.


pub struct DeleteAccountAction {
/// The remaining account balance will be transferred to the AccountId below
pub beneficiary_id: AccountId,


  • The account, as well as all the data stored under the account, is deleted and the tokens are transferred to beneficiary_id.


Validation Error:

  • If beneficiary_id is not a valid account id, the following error will be returned
/// Invalid account ID.
InvalidAccountId { account_id: AccountId },
  • If this action is not the last action in the action list of a receipt, the following error will be returned
/// The delete action must be a final action in transaction
  • If the account still has locked balance due to staking, the following error will be returned
/// Account is staking and can not be deleted
DeleteAccountStaking { account_id: AccountId }

Execution Error:

  • If state or storage is corrupted, a StorageError is returned.

Delegate Actions

Introduced with NEP-366 to enable meta transactions.

In summary, a delegate action is an indirect submission of a transaction. It allows a relayer to do the payment (gas and token costs) for a transaction authored by a user.

/// The struct contained in transactions and receipts, inside `Action::Delegate(_)``.
struct SignedDelegateAction {
/// The actual action, see below.
pub delegate_action: DelegateAction,
/// NEP-483 proposal compliant signature
pub signature: Signature,

Note that the signature follows a scheme which is proposed to be standardized in NEP-483.

/// The struct a user creates and signs to create a meta transaction.
struct DelegateAction {
/// Signer of the delegated actions
pub sender_id: AccountId,
/// Receiver of the delegated actions.
pub receiver_id: AccountId,
/// List of actions to be executed.
/// With the meta transactions MVP defined in NEP-366, nested
/// DelegateActions are not allowed. A separate type is used to enforce it.
pub actions: Vec<NonDelegateAction>,
/// Nonce to ensure that the same delegate action is not sent twice by a
/// relayer and should match for given account's `public_key`.
/// After this action is processed it will increment.
pub nonce: Nonce,
/// The maximal height of the block in the blockchain below which the given DelegateAction is valid.
pub max_block_height: BlockHeight,
/// Public key used to sign this delegated action.
pub public_key: PublicKey,


  • All actions inside delegate_action.actions are submitted with the delegate_action.sender_id as the predecessor, delegate_action.receiver_id as the receiver, and the relayer (predecessor of DelegateAction) as the signer.
  • All gas and balance costs for submitting delegate_action.actions are subtracted from the relayer.


Validation Error:

  • If the list of Transaction actions contains several DelegateAction
/// There should be the only one DelegateAction

Execution Error:

  • If the Sender's account doesn't exist
/// Happens when TX receiver_id doesn't exist
  • If the signature does not match the data and the public_key of the given key, then the following error will be returned
/// Signature does not match the provided actions and given signer public key.
  • If the sender_id doesn't match the tx.receiver_id
/// Receiver of the transaction doesn't match Sender of the delegate action
  • If the current block is equal or greater than max_block_height
/// Delegate action has expired
  • If the public_key does not exist for Sender account
/// The given public key doesn't exist for Sender account
  • If the nonce does match the public_key for the sender_id
/// Nonce must be greater sender[public_key].nonce
  • If nonce is too large
/// DelegateAction nonce is larger than the upper bound given by the block height (block_height * 1e6)