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Multi Token Event


This is part of the proposed spec NEP-245 and is subject to change.

Version 1.0.0


Standard interfaces for Multi Token Contract actions. Extension of NEP-297


NEAR and third-party applications need to track mint, burn, transfer events for all MT-driven apps consistently. This exension addresses that.

Note that applications, including NEAR Wallet, could require implementing additional methods to display tokens correctly such as mt_metadata and mt_tokens_for_owner.


Multi Token Events MUST have standard set to "nep245", standard version set to "1.0.0", event value is one of mt_mint, mt_burn, mt_transfer, and data must be of one of the following relavant types: MtMintLog[] | MtBurnLog[] | MtTransferLog[]:

interface MtEventLogData {
standard: "nep245",
version: "1.0.0",
event: MtEvent,
data: MtMintLog[] | MtBurnLog[] | MtTransferLog[]
// Minting event log. Emitted when a token is minted/created. 
// Requirements
// * Contract MUST emit event when minting a token
// Fields
// * Contract token_ids and amounts MUST be the same length
// * `owner_id`: the account receiving the minted token
// * `token_ids`: the tokens minted
// * `amounts`: the number of tokens minted, wrapped in quotes and treated
// like a string, although the numbers will be stored as an unsigned integer
// array with 128 bits.
// * `memo`: optional message
interface MtMintLog {
owner_id: string,
token_ids: string[],
amounts: string[],
memo?: string

// Burning event log. Emitted when a token is burned.
// Requirements
// * Contract MUST emit event when minting a token
// Fields
// * Contract token_ids and amounts MUST be the same length
// * `owner_id`: the account whose token(s) are being burned
// * `authorized_id`: approved account_id to burn, if applicable
// * `token_ids`: the tokens being burned
// * `amounts`: the number of tokens burned, wrapped in quotes and treated
// like a string, although the numbers will be stored as an unsigned integer
// array with 128 bits.
// * `memo`: optional message
interface MtBurnLog {
owner_id: string,
authorized_id?: string,
token_ids: string[],
amounts: string[],
memo?: string

// Transfer event log. Emitted when a token is transferred.
// Requirements
// * Contract MUST emit event when transferring a token
// Fields
// * `authorized_id`: approved account_id to transfer
// * `old_owner_id`: the account sending the tokens "sender.near"
// * `new_owner_id`: the account receiving the tokens "receiver.near"
// * `token_ids`: the tokens to transfer
// * `amounts`: the number of tokens to transfer, wrapped in quotes and treated
// like a string, although the numbers will be stored as an unsigned integer
// array with 128 bits.
interface MtTransferLog {
authorized_id?: string,
old_owner_id: string,
new_owner_id: string,
token_ids: string[],
amounts: string[],
memo?: string


Single owner minting (pretty-formatted for readability purposes):

"standard": "nep245",
"version": "1.0.0",
"event": "mt_mint",
"data": [
{"owner_id": "foundation.near", "token_ids": ["aurora", "proximitylabs_ft"], "amounts":["1", "100"]}

Different owners minting:

"standard": "nep245",
"version": "1.0.0",
"event": "mt_mint",
"data": [
{"owner_id": "foundation.near", "token_ids": ["aurora", "proximitylabs_ft"], "amounts":["1","100"]},
{"owner_id": "user1.near", "token_ids": ["meme"], "amounts": ["1"]}

Different events (separate log entries):

"standard": "nep245",
"version": "1.0.0",
"event": "mt_burn",
"data": [
{"owner_id": "foundation.near", "token_ids": ["aurora", "proximitylabs_ft"], "amounts": ["1","100"]},

Authorized id:

"standard": "nep245",
"version": "1.0.0",
"event": "mt_burn",
"data": [
{"owner_id": "foundation.near", "token_ids": ["aurora_alpha", "proximitylabs_ft"], "amounts": ["1","100"], "authorized_id": "thirdparty.near" },
"standard": "nep245",
"version": "1.0.0",
"event": "mt_transfer",
"data": [
{"old_owner_id": "user1.near", "new_owner_id": "user2.near", "token_ids": ["meme"], "amounts":["1"], "memo": "have fun!"}

"standard": "nep245",
"version": "1.0.0",
"event": "mt_transfer",
"data": [
{"old_owner_id": "user2.near", "new_owner_id": "user3.near", "token_ids": ["meme"], "amounts":["1"], "authorized_id": "thirdparty.near", "memo": "have fun!"}

Further methods

Note that the example events covered above cover two different kinds of events:

  1. Events that are not specified in the MT Standard (mt_mint, mt_burn)
  2. An event that is covered in the Multi Token Core Standard. (mt_transfer)

This event standard also applies beyond the three events highlighted here, where future events follow the same convention of as the second type. For instance, if an MT contract uses the approval management standard, it may emit an event for mt_approve if that's deemed as important by the developer community.

Please feel free to open pull requests for extending the events standard detailed here as needs arise.


There is a known limitation of 16kb strings when capturing logs. This can be observed from token_ids that may vary in length for different apps so the amount of logs that can be executed may vary.